The new XOS GT’n’Doggie Expedition™ crossover rod is the best of both worlds, capable of popping, working soft plastics and slow pitch (fall) jigging, packing down to 119cm (3'11) they're a perfect coverall bases rod that's awesome for the travelling angler!!
These are another awesome addition to the Hamachi range, the tip has the perfect action for twitching blooping and getting the best of small to medium poppers and stick baits up to 70g (2oz) and great for slow pitch (fall) jigging up to 150g jigs (5oz).
A very versatile light to medium tackle rod, rigged with 20 or 30lb braid they cover all the bases both from the shore or boat, built with modified parabolic thin diameter blanks with the Hamachi seamless curve, the crossovers are a two-piece rod with serious power!
Most Japanese domestic market rods for slow pitch (fall) jigging are designed for use from a spankered boat, a powerboat with a tail sail, rarely are these seen outside of Japan, these boats provide near-perfect vertical jigging, both constant contact with the jig and no line belly.
To achieve this without a spankered boat, anglers find themselves using jigs up to 150% of the rod’s rating, greatly reducing the rods ability to have a lively looking jig. The XOS GT’n’Doggie Expedition™ slow jig/fast punch rods have been designed for semi-vertical to vertical drift jigging, the rod is capable of both fastpitch/punch jigging, as well as traditional slow pitch/fall jigging.
When using the crank and jerk slow pitch technique, the rod tip is designed to load up to the weight of the jig and slowly spring back up, pitching the jig in a manner very true to nature of a scared or injured baitfish.
Using the fastpitch jigs ratings, the lighter jigs enable the rod to quickly spring back creating an energetic fleeing baitfish appearance with the jig, having a rod that does both allows the angler to switch up their style of jigging depending on what's working best that day, which is what makes this one of the most versatile jig rods available.
Like all XOS GTnDoggie rods it's built with a traditional bare butt blank section allowing for the rod to be tuck under the arm for jigging, popping and fighting the fish, the rubber butt gimbal also allows for the rod to be used with a gimbal belt for fighting big fish.
Available in both spinning/threadline & conventional/casting